My Journal
The Bike
Contact me

Monday 26th July.  Alex has finally made it home after 3 weeks, 15 countries and 6060 miles. See the Diary page for full details.
Ironically it is exactly a year since John and Gerry returned from their trip.


This is the page to check for updates on my trip.  Where possible along the way I will send reports and pictures back to who will post them to the site.  I hope to be in contact every few days, but this depends entirely on the availability of web access.  I have with me a laptop, digital camera and camera phone.  Hopefully larger towns and major hotels will have cyber cafés which should make it easier.

Up until now I have posted news of Alex's progress on this page on a daily basis.  As he gets further into his trip the number of daily reports, and the length of this page will continue to grow.  For this reason I have decided to separate the reports into weekly sections, which will contain full details on a daily basis within.  Hopefully this will make the site simpler to navigate, but I would welcome your opinions on this.  Thanks, .

Week 1.  Friday 2nd July to Thursday 8th July.

Week 2.  Friday 9th July to Thursday 15th July.

Week 3.  Friday 16th July to Thursday 22nd July.

Week 4.  Friday 23rd July to Thursday 29th July.



© 2004 Alex Bradley


The Route