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The Bike
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Monday 26th July.  Alex has finally made it home after 3 weeks, 15 countries and 6060 miles. See the Diary page for full details.
Ironically it is exactly a year since John and Gerry returned from their trip.


Day 19. Tuesday 20th July. Distance 400 miles.

Up at 8am, quick shower and breakfast and loaded up the bike.  Away at 9am heading south and a great feeling as I left the city behind and got out into the countryside again.  Stopped at Parnu and posted more cards and got money changed.  Through the Latvian border no problem and a quick run into Riga.  Very busy so took a few pictures and left. Arrived at Kaunas and got fuel and was going to look for a hotel.  On leaving the service station I was pulled over by the police.  Checked papers but spoke no English and eventually allowed me to go on my way somewhat reluctantly.  The bike drew a lot off attention with people stopping to look at it at every chance.  I decided to move on but after an hour considered returning to Kaunas.

Then I came to Marijampole and thought with a name like that there was bound to be something for me here.  As I rode around town I came across Hotel Sudavija, an excellent place. Parked the bike in the garage overnight and went up town for some fish and salad and a sugary Cappuchino.  Poland tomorrow.

Day 19 pictures here.

Day 18 report here.

Day 20 report here.

Return to Week 3 page.



© 2004 Alex Bradley


The Route