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Monday 26th July.  Alex has finally made it home after 3 weeks, 15 countries and 6060 miles. See the Diary page for full details.
Ironically it is exactly a year since John and Gerry returned from their trip.


Day 18. Monday 19th July. St Petersburg to Tallin.

Up early, a light breakfast and out on the road to the Bus Station.  Quite a walk but a lovely morning.  Monday morning and plenty of people and traffic about.  I got to ABTObYCHBIN  BOK3AN in plenty of time and waited on the bus by watching the people arriving and departing on their various journeys. The bus left promptly at 10.30 with very few people on board and I wondered what all the fuss was about as regards seats. It was when we stopped at another station and the bus fulled up I was glad I had bought my ticket earlier.  We had a long hot day on the road, stopping at different places to let people off and collect even more.  We must have spent an hour at the border between the Russian and Estonian posts and of course the duty free.  Then on our way again through all the road works on the Estonian side.  Lots of  fresh tar about, bikers beware.  Arrived in Tallinn about 6pm and immediately went for something to eat before getting a taxi to my hotel.  As you can see from the pictures Sylvia was very safe and Ivar my new policeman friend looked in on her from time to time.  A quick shower and I got to work downloading pictures and writing up reports.  Ivar called for a drink and chat later in the evening.  I think tomorrow I will hit the road and steer clear of big cities and heavy traffic.

Day 18 pictures here.

Day 17 report here.

Day 19 report here.

Return to Week 3 page.



© 2004 Alex Bradley


The Route