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Monday 26th July.  Alex has finally made it home after 3 weeks, 15 countries and 6060 miles. See the Diary page for full details.
Ironically it is exactly a year since John and Gerry returned from their trip.


Day 15. Friday 16th July. Free day in Tallin.

Easy morning, up for breakfast about 9.30 and a walk around the hotel area.  Not really much to see, Supermarket, Sportscentre and a roundabout.  Back into the city for a few little jobs.  First to get some cards printed and laminated.  Big problem, the first stop could laminate but not print the cards and the second place could not help at all.  So I just went and did my tourist thing and walked the old city and took lots of photos.  Beautiful old buildings some dating back to 11 century.  I had something to eat in the Town Hall Square which was packed with tourists of all nationalities.  Towards the evening I decided to give the cards another try and called into a stationary shop.  They couldn't help so I just walked into a computer shop next door and explained my problem.  They printed out the cards right away, no charge.  Back to the copier shop and they laminated them for me.  I know I should have done this before I went but I'm not that well organized.  Then the flower stalls on the edge of the old city and two bunches, each of five white lillies.  I gave Rene the taxi man a ring and was at Joey's monument within 15 minutes.  Laid the flowers and cards , paid my respects and went back to the hotel.  Made my calls home to family and texted Ivar, a Tallinn policeman I had met at Nordkapp. Of course within half an hour I was called to reception to talk to a policeman.  I think they were relieved to see we were smiling and shaking hands. Ivar was still on duty so we arranged to meet Monday evening when I returned from St Petersburg.  Shower and early to bed.  Big day tomorrow.

Day 15 pictures here.

Day 14 report here.

Day 16 report here.

Return to Week 3 page.



© 2004 Alex Bradley


Joey Dunlop Memorial