Day 25.
Monday 26th July. Cornwall to Holyhead and home.
After a hearty breakfast of bacon, eggs, sausages, tomatoes and bread I was certainly ready for the road. I said my farewells to Biddy, Clive and Jane and made my way to Lands End. I spent quite a while exploring the site before heading towards Holyhead. My GPS took me past Exeter again and up to Bristol. Then over the Severn Bridge and into Wales. Good roads, lovely countryside and a pleasant run up towards the ferry. Stopping for fuel and a snack I wondered what time the ferries left for Ireland. I didn't worry too much and knew they were fairly regular. it was only as I neared Holyhead and spied all the Irish registered cars whizzing past I began to worry a little bit. But I stuck to the limits and just took my chances. I arrived half an hour before the next boat and rode straight on board. The trip took just over two hours and was very smooth. Arriving in Dublin in the dark I pointed my bike North and made Aidan the Webmasters house before twelve. After tea and a chat I made my way home to a friendly welcome from my family. Parking the bike at my front door I quickly changed and went to my own bed for a long peaceful sleep.
Day 24 report here.
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© 2004 Alex Bradley