On reaching the Argentinean border-post in Tierra Del Fuego, however Bob spotted that my exhaust had
practically fallen off and that my pannier frame was cracked. This
highlighted the shortcoming of the G.S. as an all terrain bike. Any difficulty
we have had with them has been as a direct result of taking them on poorly
surfaced roads.nThey have proved to date wonderfully reliable bikes and have
never let us down but essentially they are the same as my 1971 bike and
suspension development in off road bikes leaves them floundering. In
Africa, John's footrest fell off from the vibration over the corrugation on
the off road out to Cape McClear it also vibrated loose the headlight
housing. All of these are minor annoyances that are readily rectified but
collectively they point to the fact that 20 years ago the airhead G.S.might
have been the definitive all round bike but suspension development in the
interim has left it as no longer the best choice. For all that though the
romantic in me would still take it, for me it still represents the classic
mount for this type of journey and for all its antiquatedness it is still a
very capable bike especially in the hands of someone more capable than
me. The upshot of all this shaking our bikes were taking, however, was that I
began to go too slow in order not to shake it apart and that I feel was my
downfall as the slower I went the worse the bike handled, especially with the
load we had on and the worse it handled the more apprehensive II became to the
point that I did not like the notion of unpaved roads at all. For all
that, however, we reached Ushuaia safely on Christmas Eve without the camels
gauled barefoot and refractory lying down in the melting snow. |