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 Machu Pichu Inca mountain stronghold

Cusco centre


View on mountain section on way to Cusco

Lake Titicaca
From La Paz we made our way via Lake Titicaca to Cusco the
ancient capital and center of the Inca empire. Cusco is architecturally a
fascinating place with its beautiful Spanish Colonial buildings superimposed
in many cases on fascinating Inca foundations. John, right from the start had
cited Machu Pichu as being the highlight of his trip. The train ride up to
it through narrow gorges forcing the train in places to reverse and
take a different tack to negotiate steep sections was memorable and when we
did reach our destination the towering mountains above the tropical floor we
were at was awe inspiring but for both John and Bob the rest of it was
slightly anti-climactic. As we were bussed up the ever winding road through
the forest that clung to the precipitous face of the mountain there was a
palpable sense of excitement and anxiety in the bus but just as we reached
the summit the low cloud ceiling descended on the entire sight covering it
in a blanket of mist. Every few moments it would clear to reveal a
tantalising window on this already mysterious place but not enough to show
it in its entirety. After about 25 minutes,however, the mist lifted and you
could see the whole sight in its resplendent entirety. Why John and Bob were
disappointed was because of the light. Bob and particularly John had looked
forward to photographing it from every aspect and I can sympathize with that
as they are accomplished photographers but to my untrained eye I was simply
happy to have had the opportunity to see it in its entirety and in many ways
this mist and lifting of it seemed almost appropriately melodramatic. As for
the ruins, they are unquestionably one of the worlds great sites though as
much for their dramatic setting as their historic city. It struck me earlier
today before writing this as I looked at the working of the
Panama Canal locks that I have been every bit as inspired by the locks at
home at Rooskey for in their own way they touch on that exciting point of
travel that is universal wherever paths meet and likewise with Machu Pichu,
for there are for me at least equally awe inspiring places at home that have
the same air of mysteriousness shrouded by the mists of time.

Machu Pichu

Machu Pichu
Since before Cusco the road had been a bikers delight of winding well
surfaced bitumen through dramatic scenery of gorges and mountains and the
section beyond it, as you descended to the plains at Nasca, has to rate up
there as probably the most sustained stretch of twisted mountain pass
nirvana on the planet. Until recently it was, ironically, for most of it, an
unpaved and therefore, dangerous route over such sheer terrain but the need
to promote the Inca heartland has meant the upgrade of this road to
facilitate tourism. There is still a 25 kilometer stretch just beyond Albancay
that remains unpaved but which is in the process of being done but the
overall effect is one of sheer exhilaration that leaves you buzzing when you
descent back down from heady heights of over 14000 feet back down to the warm
embrace of the evening sun at Nasca.
Nacsa struck me as being very similar to
parts of the Sinai or Oman for which I have a particular affection. John and
Bob decided to forego the light aircraft flight over these puzzling lines so
it was left to me to look at them on behalf of our travels. On the same flight
another Irish person, Kare Henry, from Ballyhaunis was also booked so
it passed a pleasant hour talking with someone from home. I enjoyed the
flight greatly as much for the excitement of being up in a light aircraft for
the first time as I did looking at these lines. The lines themselves are
fascinating and the excellent presentation before the flight that went
through the entire gambit of theories on their purpose and origin left me
more inclined to favour mere human construction than any extra-terrestrial
involvement but doubtless that uncertainty is part of their attraction. |

Machu Pichu

Machu Pichu

River that flows near Machu Pichu

Weather closes in on pass Nasca
trip to Lima beyond Nasca was particularly good as we descended along the
coast in the evening sun and on reaching the city we stayed in the
Miraflores district which, with its open air restaurants and night life, is a
preferable choice if you ever visit this city. Ever the philistine, it was
left to myself to do the obligatory tour of churches and museums. The
Franciscan Church was incredible by the sheer wealth it has amassed
over the years while the equally wealthy Dominican one where St.Martin De
Pores spent his life somehow exuded a more peaceful air. It took us three
days to reach Quito from Lima. The border crossing at Zarumilla was the very
essence of apparent chaos as we along with huge articulated trucks threaded
our way through a milling throng that at home would make Moore Street look
like an airport runway. |

Hotel we stayed in Nasca

Shoe Shine boys

Mountain Pass on way to Nasca