Two things characterised our journey through Central America, excellent roads
and very hot weather which necessitated us having to stop frequently to get
a drink. A very useful item John and I both have also is a small steel flask
which keeps the water cold and is invaluable at those unscheduled stops. One
such stop was when the police pulled us in in northern Panama on the pretext
of having passed out on a continuous line which was but a scheme for getting
money. To date we have been stopped in only three places on these false
charges, once in Argentina, once in Northern Peru and the case in Panama and
in each one we stone walled them and did not have to pay. That, however, was
the only incident that blighted the run through this part of the world. Above
Panama is Costa Rica which has the reputation of being one of the best of
these Latin American countries. The countryside is very rich in vegetation
here and invariably every river we crossed was a picture postcard of
jungle-lined, boulder strewn, cascading water with local people swimming in
them. Indeed practically every river we have crossed right up here as far as
Mexico has been the same as they are a focal point for the locals to cool
off from the heat, to do the washing or as a place from which lorries drive
down and gather stones where the rivers are big. To get to San Jose, the
capital of Costa Rica we had to climb up over the pass at Villa Mills which,
at 3495 meters, is the second highest on the Pan America highway. It was a
surreal experience to come up from a tropical landscape and climb through a
cloud to emerge above it into clear visibility looking down on the clouds
below. San Jose, because of its relevant height has a nice temperature and
when there Guillermo, an Argentinean, befriended us and showed us around the
city. It certainly is a lively spot at night as I found out when both he and
I went out on the town. Salsa is all the rage here and the girls spend
endless hours practicing it. One pub we were in had this blind musician
singing and it brought to mind the time John and I were held spellbound in
Florence outside the Ufazi. This persons talent was equally captivating and
the words of an Antonia Machado song he sang seemed to have a particular
relevance to our trip, "caminante no hay camino, se hace camino al andar". All
this Central American coast is tropical and a particularly beautiful place
we stayed was Tamarindo. Obviously a destination for those in the know it
nonetheless is still unspoiled and was a very relaxing place to stop. It bore
an uncanny resemblance to Cape McClear in Malawi and that and its warm
waters probably endeared it to us.