After leaving Bulawayo, we headed
west towards Botswana and stopped for the night in Francistown. Of all
the African countries we had been in till then, this was the most
progressive, which means water, is the strongest in all Africa. The
roads here are excellent as in truth they have been since Dar -Es-
Salaam and Francistown was a virtual Mecca of shopping malls and
consumerism. Heading down the eastern side of the country towards
Gaberone, its capital, the landscape was mostly flat and bush country
with temperature nudging 40 degrees C. Our accommodation in Gaberone
called the Mogo Hotel, should I suggest be called the Nogo and is a
place to be avoided. Botswana in many ways was a gentle preparation
for a culture shock in South Africa. Were one to come into South
Africa directly from some of its other neighbouring countries, the
contrast would be far greater, but because of Botswana's wealth due to
its diamond resources, the contrast is slightly more gradual; though
nevertheless still dramatic.